ACCES-VR: The purpose of this program is to assist individuals with disabilities Tompkins and Tioga Counties so that they may achieve and maintain employment, and to support their individual living through education, rehabilitation, and career development. Contact person for both Tompkins and Tioga is Michael Grinage at [email protected] and the phone number is 607-272-5062.
Intensive Ongoing Supportive Employment (OISE): This is a program in both Tompkins and Tioga Counties. These services are allocated for specific individuals who have achieved job stabilization through ACCES-VR intensive employment services and are designed to provide ongoing support to overcome mental health challenges in order to sustain integrated, competitive employment, or support for promotion or to find new employment. Contact person for both Tompkins and Tioga is Shaleigh Burns at [email protected] and phone number is 607-272-5062.